Saturday, April 5, 2008

Health Insurance - info and hazard

As you get older, you get more medical problems. Taken in large groups, as a population gets older, a higher percentage of it's income must be used to cover medical expenses. But we don't make health decisions as a large group. We make them as a collection of individuals.

Why should a 25 year old pay the same risk premium for health insurance as someone who is 75? They would opt out, keep their money, and take their chances.

That leaves the older (or those who for whatever reason have higher health risks), with a higher risk premium, and more expensive insurance. This causes the next most healthy person to opt out, and starts a cycle.

The individual knows more about their health than the insurance companies, which just increases the pace.

As our boomers age, and I have to pay their friggin' medical bills... I want this considered when the health debate is going on.

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