Saturday, February 9, 2008

my brain is wacky when it is asleep

I dreamed I was on a farm, covered in snow, playing fetch with a dog. The dog was complaining in his retard voice that the plastic two-liter bottle I was throwing was too boring. I banged the bottle on the ground a bit and threw the bottle. The dog ran after it. The dog had trouble picking up the round plastic two liter bottle with his teeth. Once faced with that difficulty, the dog got excited and enjoyed himself.

In the distance, Blade (my fiancee's brother) was walking on a frozen pond. Blade is 17, from rural Illinois, and far more knowledgeable about cold weather than I am. I really didn't want to fuss at him to get off the unnaturally stiff water, but I did anyway. You just can't trust frozen ponds. They aren't natural.

I could hear the roll in his eyes as he complained, but agreed to get off the frozen pond. Before he managed that though, his feet flew above his head, his arms went akimbo and he landed flat on his back - crashing threw the ice and into the water.

What followed was one of those terrible slow mo instances. You command your body to move faster, but it won't go anywhere. So Blade is sloshing away making all kinds of commotion and I can't get to him.

I woke up trying to crawl against my headboard.

I shook it off and went back to sleep. Some time later, my dream picked up.

I pulled Blade out of the slush, but thought he might have a stick or piece of metal stuck in him and I should check that before I move him. Now, my brain isn't so stuck on sequential time as when I'm awake, so I went back and checked him for wounds before I pulled him out.

I started to carry him to the farm house (Strate's grandparents old farmhouse actually), and thought that it would be faster to call Kate and have her bring the truck, so instead I called her before I started to carry him.

I remembered that he shouldn't be in wet clothes in the freezing cold, so I took his clothes off and put my coat on him before I picked him up (How he was incapacitated with just his top wet, I don't know - but it was handy for the clothes exchange part).

This 'rewind' thing kept on and on. At one point I threw him in the bed of the truck, then realized that it would be better to put him in the cab, so I replayed that part in my head and threw him in the cab before I tossed him in the bed of the truck.

BTW, Kate and I don't even own a truck.

Eventually I woke up. I was sitting Indian style with the top half of my body leaning forward onto the bed. My right arm was under my head. My left arm was behind me tangled in something. The blanket was covering me.

Just to be clear, the dog wasn't retarded. In fact, any dog smart enough to talk at all must be pretty bright. I think the dog was just being a dog.

There is no point. There is no brainiac analysis here. I got up and made coffee.

1 comment:

Fixating said...

Ha, I was going to say "I wish my dreams were that vivid". But on second thought...maybe I don't.